Information by Species

For in depth hunting and license information for a specific animal, please reference the New Mexico Hunting Rules and Info which is available in print and PDF formats. We are currently developing generalized informational pages for New Mexico’s big game, upland game, furbearers, turkeymigratory game bird, and nongame as well as unprotected species.

Big-game hunting species include Pronghorn antelope, Elk, Rocky Mountain bighorn sheep, Cougar, Black bear, and Javelina. (New Mexico Department of Game and Fish)
Big Game:
 Species include Barbary sheep, bear, bighorn sheep, cougar, deer, elk, ibex, javelina, oryx and pronghorn antelope. Read more…

Upland Game: Species include dusky (blue) grouse, Eurasian collared-dove, quail (bobwhite, Gambel’s, Montezuma, and scaled), pheasant and squirrel (Abert’s, red, gray and fox). Photos by M. L. Watson and J.N. Stuart (New Mexico Department of Game and Fish)
Upland Game: Species include dusky (blue) grouse, Eurasian collared-dove, quail (bobwhite, Gambel’s, Montezuma, and scaled), pheasant and squirrel (Abert’s, red, gray and fox). Read more.

Wild turkey
: Species include Merriam’s, Rio Grande, and Gould’s. Read more.

Protected furbearers that may be taken during open season are raccoon, badger, weasel, fox, ringtail, bobcat, muskrat, beaver and nutria. (Unprotected furbearers include coyote and skunk).
Furbearers: Protected furbearers that may be taken during open season are raccoon, badger, weasel, fox, ringtail, bobcat, muskrat, beaver & nutria. (Unprotected furbearers include coyote & skunk).  Read more.

Migratory Game Bird: Species include snow geese, Sandhill crane, Virginia rail, pintail duck, and mourning dove. (New Mexico Department of Game and Fish)
Migratory Game Bird: Species include dove, band-tailed pigeon, sandhill crane, ducks, geese, coot, common moorhen, snipe, sora and Virginia rail. Read more.

New Mexico's nongame species include prairie dogs, ground squirrels, and rabbits. Coyotes and skunks are unprotected furbearers. Feral hogs are an unprotected species.
Nongame: Species include prairie dogs, ground squirrels, Himalayan tahr, porcupine, rabbits. Read more.
(Coyotes and skunks are unprotected furbearers. Feral hogs are an unprotected species).

Protected and Unprotected

Protected: Species include all big game, turkey, squirrels and game birds. A hunter must have a Game-hunting or Game-hunting & Fishing License. If hunting big game, hunters must have a specific big-game species license. Hunters also may need a Turkey or Bear Draw Permit. Hunters must have in possession all appropriate licenses and/or permits in the field while hunting any of these species.

Unprotected: Species that damage habitat and compete with native wildlife, including feral hogs and unprotected furbearers (such as coyotes and skunk). Read more…